译自2020年8月份发布的《ISPE基准指南:清洁验证生命周期–应用,方法和控制(ISPE Baseline Guide: Cleaning Validation Lifecycle: Applications, Methods, and Controls)》
6.3 Visual Inspection and Criteria
Visually Clean (VC) is one criterion used to assess surfacecleanliness. This criterion is significant in that ifthere is visible residue on the surface, then the equipment isnot considered clean. The visual inspection is anactiveobservation of all visually accessible productcontact surfaces of the pharmaceutical manufacturing equipment after everycleaning. It is a GMP requirement [77] and must determine that the equipment isfree from any visibleresidues inorder for the cleaning to be considered adequate. Additionally, GMPs requirecompleting a visual inspection immediately before manufacturing activities cancommence[78].
6.3.1 Visible Residue Limit Studies
It is possible to conduct Visible Residue Limit (VRL) studies todetermine the level of visible detection of residues for many soilants andsurfaces. A method to determine the detection level is by spiking decreasingamounts ofeach residue onto testingcoupons representative of equipment surfaces, allowing them to dry, and then havingthem viewed by a group of observers. Multiple observers should view theresidues under different light levels, fromdifferentdistances, and from different angles to mimic actual visual inspectionconditions in order to provide a more rugged visuallimit.
If the residues can be consistently observed at a known residue level,and this level is much lower than the cleaning acceptance criteria, then VCprovides a high degree of confidence that the equipment is sufficientlycleaned. Even with a visual limit in place, VC is predominately not consideredadequate by itself for establishing cleaning validation. Direct surfacesampling (e.g., swabs or TOC rinse measures) is also required [17]. However, VCcould be used as a criterion along with periodic sampling in a routinemonitoring program after the cleaning validation is complete [79]. Ifhistorical data shows that the visual limit is higher than what was obtainedvia coupon studies, launch aninvestigationto verify. If the out of specification is correct, then raise theVRL.
For the VRL to have value, the data or results for the margin of safety for VI (distancebetween the safety limit andtheresidue level represented by the VRL) must be sufficiently large to compensatefor the variability between operators performing the VI and also the inherentvariability of the VI itself. Operators performing VRL determinationsshould be qualified in the method. VI for VRL determinations should beperformed by an operator and verified by a second operator prior to theequipment being released for use. In addition, a periodic review of thecontrols is necessaryafter thecleaning process has been qualified to ensure that performance has not beennegatively impacted by increased or new sources of variability and to confirmthat a VRL is still a valid and justifiedapproach.
If the VRL is at a level above the cleaning acceptance criteria, thenVC has limited value in determining whetherthe equipment is sufficientlycleaned.
VRL studies are determined using well-defined parameters to enable itsuse in cleaning programs and minimize subjectivity. The viewing variablesassociated with studying visible residue must be defined, and thenexperimental parameters for the study canbe established [80]. The parameters consideredare:
The MOC must match or represent the ones used in the equipment to becleaned (e.g., SS, polycarbonate, glass, etc.). Conducting VRL studies for allequipment MOCs is not logical. For example, a VRL on a white surface (e.g.,PTFE) would be much higher than on a SS surface [81]. Therefore, VRL studiesshould be coordinated with swab sampling of the equipment to confirm swabresults are lower than the VRL. The swab results would alsodemonstrate equivalent cleaning for allMOCs. After validation, for routine monitoring it could be concluded that ifthe SS surfaces were visibly clean, then all surfaces were cleaned to the sameextent.
Lightingconditionsforvisualdeterminationsforcleanlinesswillvaryfromonepieceofequipmenttoanother,andfrom room to room. Lightintensity parameters should be determined for the visual inspection procedureintended to be used. Light intensity levels above 200 lux do not have an impacton visual observations, but light levels below 200 lux inhibit the ability todetect visible residues[80].
目视确定清洁度的照明条件会因为设备和房间的不同而异。应为拟使用的目视检查程序确定照明参数。高于200 lux的照明对目视观察没有影响,但是低于200 lux的照明会抑制检测可见残留物的能力[80]。
The viewing distance and viewing angle are based on the manufacturingequipment that is used at the site. Larger pieces of equipment can often beviewed at a distance of no greater than 10 feet and could have a restrictedviewing angle[80].
The variations in observers can be minimized by implementing clearprocedures, training observers on how to conduct visual inspectionsconsistently, and establishing the VRL parameters as controls for VIdeterminations.
Arecommended training approach for inspectors [78]includes:
Reviewing SOP for conducting thevisual inspection of cleaned manufacturing equipment, includingproduct contactsurfaces
Reviewing equipment diagrams tounderstand hard-to-clean areas and areas of productbuildup
Reviewing VRLexamples
Discussing VRL versus cleaninglimit
Conducting on-the-jobtraining
- Emphasize effects of viewingparameters, especially viewingangle
- Harmonize on when to use supplementallighting(flashlight/torch)
- Strive for consistency among visualinspections to maintain expectations for visualcleanliness
Visual inspections are normally executed by qualified personnel anddocumented in cleaning log booksormanufacturing batchrecords.
Referto Appendix 3 – Example: Protocol for Development and Establishment of aVisible Residue Limit(VRL).
请参阅附录3 –示例:制定和建立可见残留限度(VRL)方案。
6.3.2 Visible Residue Limit and SafetyLimits
It can be justified and documented that for chemicals and activeswhere the VRL is significantly (e.g., lower than 20% of the margin of safety)lower than the SL, equipment surfaces cleaned to a VC level following cleaningofthepreviousproduct would ensure with low risk the next manufactured product’s identity, strength,quality, and purityfrom a cleanequipmentperspective.
“Assuring adequate removal of non-intrinsic cleaningagents such as surfactants often involves very highhealth- based residual limits and the absence of visible residueis a much more stringent criteria than the health-based residual limit.”[3]
“确保适当去除外在清洁剂(例如表面活性剂,通常具有非常高的基于健康的残留限值),并且没有可见残留是比基于健康的残留限值更为严格的标准。” [3]
6.3.3 Non-AccessibleAreasandtheVisualInspectionProcess
Product quality concernsshould be addressed for areas not accessible to visual inspection. Some methodsincludea cleaning comparisonevaluation or boroscoping. A risk-based approach should be applied when usingeither of these methods, especially for actives with low ADE/PDE (high hazard)values.
对于无法目视检查的区域,应关注产品质量问题。一些方法包括清洁比较评估或浸涂。当使用这两种方法中的任何一种时,都应采用基于风险的方法,尤其是对于具有低ADE / PDE(高风险)值的活性物质。 CleaningComparisonEvaluation
If equipment that is not visually accessible (e.g., a transfer line)is cleaned with a cleaning process as robust, ormore robust than equipment that is visually accessible, it maybe argued that the visually inaccessibly equipment is also clean.
The cleaning of the inaccessible areas needs to be equal to or greaterthan the cleaning of accessible areas. For example, a tank and transfer linewith the same production soil are cleaned using the same cleaning parameters(i.e., cleaning time, cleaning agentconcentration, and temperature). The only difference is the cleaning action.The tank is cleaned using impingement and cascading action, and the transferpipe is cleaned using turbulent flow. If the piping cleaning flow meets theappropriate turbulent flow, it can be rationalized that the transfer line isclean to a visual cleanliness level since the tank areas cleaned via cascadingaction were demonstrated to beVC.
Thisrationalecouldalsobeusedforpartsofthesameequipment.Forexample,ifaspoolpiece(i.e.,determinedtobeVC after cleaning) on the transfer line system was cleaned via the samecleaning process and shown to be as difficult or more difficult to clean as therest of the transfer line system, it could represent the whole transfer linesystem.
It is not necessary todemonstrate that all visually accessible area cleaning actions (i.e.,impingement and cascading in the case of the tank) are less than or equal tothe visually inaccessible area cleaning action to make theargument. Each situation should beevaluated individually while considering the cleaning process and cleaningdifficulty.
没有必要证明所有能够目视检查的区域清洁活动(即:储罐的冲洗)都小于或等于不能目视检查的区域清洁活动。在考虑清洁过程和清洁难度时,应分别评估每种情况。 Boroscoping
Pipes, transfer lines, and other inaccessible areas can be visuallyinspected using a boroscope. Any remote visual inspection should be qualified.The benefit of boroscoping inaccessible areas should be weighedagainst the equipment maintenance andlongevity risks of routinely breaking line connections and performingintrusive inspections.The decision for or against routine boroscoping for visual inspection should bethoroughly riskassessed.
6.3.4 OrganolepticInspection
The removal of odors or color residues may need to be confirmed aspart of cleaning validation. Where the requirement is not based on safety, andwhere there are no calculated residue limits, the acceptable removal ofthe residue may be performed by using thesense of smell or through visualinspection.
Visualinspection of the surfaces can be quantified and so may also be used were aresidue limit iscalculated.
Detection of odors can be enhanced by sealing the equipment itemovernight. For example, by closing a lidded vessel or containing the equipmentin a bag, any odor is concentrated, giving a greater assurance that no odorwillbe carried over into the nextproduct.
Those involved in manufacturing may become desensitized to the odor;therefore, the test is more effective if itis performed by someone not involved in the manufacture of thatproduct.
The level of qualification should be risk based. The level of the risk(i.e., business risk or product risk) shouldmatch the level ofqualification.
The detection of colored products may be enhanced by examining a swabused to sample difficult-to-inspect points where material may gather, forexample seal interfaces. However, detection of residual color during samplingis already too late to prevent a cleaning failure. A more practical approachfor a piece of equipment having a color or dye ingredient is to thoroughly wipethe entire surface of the equipment with solvent (e.g., 70% isopropyl alcohol)as the last step of the cleaning process. This is often done during cleaning toremove residual water, but can alsoserveas a check on color removal before the equipment gets to the visual inspectionand samplingsteps.